SBL Acidum Carbolicum 1X (Q)

For Stomach Affections, Female Problems, Ulcers, Throat complaints, Uremia

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MRP ₹ 120.00


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Product Information

Product Description


Carbolicum Acidum relieves constant belching with nausea and vomiting. Flatulent distention of stomach and abdomen which is more marked in one part of the bowel. 

It helps in dyspepsia with bad taste and breath.

Carbolicum Acidum also helps in female problems when the discharges are offensive. There are pustules on vulva containing bloody pus. Erosion of the cervix with fetid and acrid discharge. 

It also helps in leucorrhea of children. Irritating leucorrhea with itching and burning is well relieved by Carbolicum Acidum.


Headache: heavy, dull, Itching of scalp is well relieved by Carbolicum Acidum.

Headache better by green tea, while smoking, by tight band, by cold hand, by bending head forward.


Very severe orbital neuralgia over right eye, Pupils dilated indicates Carbolicum Acidum.


Tickling, prickling, itching in nostrils is relieved by Carbolicum Acidum.


Carbolicum Acidum relieves aching of teeth in right upper jaw.


Prickling and burning in throat and oesophagus, Sore-throat worse on right side is relieved by Carbolicum Acidum.


Excessive nausea, and inclination to vomit, while eating a little, after breakfast.

It is helpful in complaints of Burning in stomach.     


Carbolicum Acidum is useful in Rumbling and rolling in abdomen.

Burning in lower part of abdomen and top of head is relieved.


Carbolicum Acidum is indicated in complaint of Diarrhoea and dysentery, mucous stools like scrapings, stools like rice-water, thin, black, very offensive.

Constipation with offensive breath is well checked by Carbolicum Acidum.

Urinary Organs

Urine: dark greenish brown, greenish, very dark, black or blackish.

Carbolicum Acidum is indicated when Quantity increased and passed frequently.

While urinating always an involuntary mucous discharge from anus indicates this remedy.

Male Sexual Organs

Carbolicum Acidum relieves Itching, or burning-itching of scrotum, better scratching but it soon returns.

Female Sexual Organs

Carbolicum Acidum is indicated for pain in region of left ovary walking in open air, Painful swelling of left ovary.

Menses irregular, too profuse, dark color, followed by headache and nervous irritability indicates this remedy.

Offensive discharges can be well checked by Carbolicum Acidum.

Respiratory Organs

Carbolicum Acidum relieves Short, hacking cough with tickling in throat, can hardly retain anything in stomach.

Tight feeling, especially in center of chest indicates Carbolicum Acid.


Soreness of muscles of back and limbs, Twitching in muscles is well relieved by Carbolicum Acidum.

Erysipelas of back of right hand, first three fingers and arm, violet-colored swelling, rough skin.

Carbolicum Acid is useful in Aching, rheumatic pains in shoulders.

Dragging down buttocks and into thighs can be relieved by Carbolicum Acid.


Carbolicum Acid is indicated in complaint of Fainting and insensibility, lasting for hours.

Tonic spasm, arms flexed, difficulty in straightening them is well checked by it.

Prostration from a short walk is relieved by it.


Offensive odor from skin, Erysipelas, violet color swelling, roughness indicates Carbolicum Acid.

Carbolicum Acid is useful in Acne, eczema, impetigo, scabies, psoriasis, carbuncles, cancerous sores, sloughing wounds, chronic ulcers, burns.

Side Effect

    Please consult your doctor before use.

Safety Advice



    Take up to 10 drops in half a cup of water three times a day.

    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day but use as prescribed by the physician.

Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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