SBL Argentum Nitricum (30ml)

Acidity, Diarrhoea, Eye Conditions, Headache, Heartburn, Nervousness

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Product Information

Product Description

Common Name: Nitrate of Silver, Lunar Caustic.
Causes & Symptoms for SBL Argentum Nitricum Dilution 200 CH

Photo phobia. Cloud over left eye, grey spots and serpent-like bodies before sight, black motes (especially right).characteristic of Argentum Nitricum.

The chief action is centered on the articulations and their component elements, bones, cartilages, and ligament's. 

The larynx is also a special center for Argentum Nitricum.


Apprehension, fear or fright, Eating ices, Intemperate habits.

Mental strain and worry.

Onanism and Sugar, Tobacco.


Mental anxiety. Very impulsive, always in a hurry but accomplishes nothing, in continual motion, he walks fast.

Hurries restlessly to fulfill engagements, fears to be late when there is plenty of time.

Frequent errors of perception, mistakes distances, fears house-corners.

Time seems to pass very slowly.

Apprehension when ready to go to church or opera, bringing on diarrhea.

Easily angered or excited, anger brings on symptoms, cough, pain, etc.

Complete loss of consciousness. Memory impaired, cannot find the right word.


Vertigo, with headache.

Morning headache, Excessive congestion of blood to the head.

Sensation of constriction of scalp, as if something tightly drawn over skull.

Headache, with chilliness. Headache relieved by tying a handkerchief tightly around the head.

Headache worse in the open air.


Photophobia. Cloud over left eye, grey spots and serpent-like bodies before sight, black motes (especially right).

Sight and eyes seem to suffer as abdominal sufferings increase.


Deafness, ringing, buzzing noises, feeling of distraction (left), earache.

Whizzing in left ear with feeling of obstruction and hard hearing.


Violent itching, obliged to rub until it looks raw.

Coryza with chilliness, lachrymation, sickly look, sneezing and stupefying headache (over the eyes), has to lie down.

Discharge of (whitish) pus with clots of blood.

Ulceration of nostrils. Bruised pains in bones indicates Argentum Nitricum.


Sunken, pale, bluish countenance, yellow, dirty-looking.

Lips dry and viscid without thirst.


Gums swollen, inflamed, bleed easily, painful when touched.

Gums tender and bleed easily, but neither painful nor swollen.

Teeth sensitive to cold water. Toothache when chewing, eating cold or sour things.


Dry tongue with thirst, Thick phlegm in mouth.

Mouth coated inside whitish grey.


Sensation as if a splinter were stuck in when swallowing, breathing, or moving the neck.

Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat, obliging him to hawk.

Rawness, soreness, and scraping in the throat.


Irresistible desire for sugar (but it worse), in the evening. Desire for cheese.

Eating relieves nausea, but worse stomach pains.

Warm drinks better, cold drinks or ices worse stomach pains.

Nausea after each meal, especially after dinner.


Gnawing pain in the left side of the stomach.

Pressure with heaviness (sensation of lump) and nausea, Trembling and throbbing in stomach.

Most gastric complaints are accompanied by violent belching.

Stinging, ulcerative pain in left side of stomach, worse from touch and deep inspiration.


Sensation as of a ball ascending from abdomen to throat.

Stitches through the abdomen (left side) like electric shocks, especially when changing from rest to motion.

Pain in abdomen as if sore, with great hunger, better after eating, but a trembling sets in its place.

Fullness, heaviness, and distension with anxiety.

Stool and Anus

Stools green, slimy, noisy, flatulent, worse at night. Like spinach in flakes.

Constipation and dry feces.

Urinary Organs

Urine dark red, contains deposit of renal epithelium and uric acid crystals indicates Argentum Nitricum.

Quick urging to urinate, frequent and copious emission of pale urine. Incontinence night and day.

Urine burning while passing, urethra feels as if swollen.

Inability to pass urine in a projecting stream.

Stitches in extremity of urethra, cutting from posterior part of urethra to anus, when emitting last drop of urine.

Ulcerative pain in middle of urethra, as from a splinter indicates Argentum Nitricum.

Male Sexual Organs

Erections, but they fail when coition is attempted. Want of desire, organs shrivelled.

Coition painful, urethra as if put on stretch or sensitive at orifice.

Urethra swollen, hard, knotty, painful.

Burning in spot in anterior of rectum (prostate gland).

Female Sexual Organs

Ovarian pains, feels as if an enormous swelling in side affected.

Menses irregular, scanty, Menses too copious or too scanty, too soon or too late.

All symptoms worse before and during menses. Coition painful, followed by bleeding from the vagina.

Metrorrhagia, During pregnancy, stomach as if it would burst with wind, head feels expanded.

Respiratory Organs

Expectoration purulent, mixed with light blood.

Marked hoarseness, sometimes loss of voice, feeling as if something clogging vocal cords.

Cough with sense of soreness in left side preventing lying on it.

Evening cough worse from tobacco smoke. Cough better evening and night.


Aching, tensile pain in various parts of chest in small spots.

Violent cramps and pain in muscles of chest.

Neck and Back

Muscles of right side of neck sore and stiff.

Pain in small of back, worse rising from sitting, better standing or walking.


Trembling, Lassitude, Weariness of forearms and legs.

Upper Limbs

Drawing in shoulders. Pain in left shoulder and arm.

Numbness of finger tips.

Lower Limbs

Lassitude of lower limbs with dizziness as if intoxicated. Pain in calves all night, weary as after a long journey.

Heaviness and debility of the legs. Limbs, especially knees, start up at night.


Fatigue, Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility.

Expanding sensation, especially in face, in head, with feeling as if bones of skull separated, with increase of temperature.

Loss of voluntary motion. Sensation of splinters in various parts, especially in mucous membranes.


Wart-shaped excrescences, Itching, Small-pox, Urticaria is well checked by Argentum Nitricum.


Restless at night, stupefied sleep, with horrid dreams of serpents, etc.

Nightly nervousness with heat of head.

Side Effect

     Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.


    If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use.


Safety Advice

     There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 


    It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, Ayurveda etc. 




     Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.


    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician 


Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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