SBL Cyclamen Europaeum (30ml)

Irregular Profuse menses, headache, vertigo, Itchy scalp,Bleeding pile

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Product Information

Product Description

Tincture of the root gathered in spring.
Common Name: Cyclamen europaeum, Sow-bread
Causes & Symptoms for Cyclamen

Cyclamen is the remedy for affections of the uterus and appendages.

Boring, darting, pressing pains in forehead and temples. 

Vertigo and headache accompanying scanty menses.

Sensation of great weakness in the chest, as if there was not strength enough to breathe.

Mind and Head

Dullness of senses,  disinclination for work or conversation, great flow of ideas alternates with weak memory. Sudden change of sadness and cheerfulness.

Vertigo when walking in the open air; objects turn in a circle; ameliorated in a room , Violent pains in the forehead.

Pricking itching in the scalp is relieved with Cyclamen. 

Eyes, ear, nose

Heat and burning in the eyes with swollen eyelids, dryness and itching of lids.

Humming, ringing and roaring in the ears. Dry, or fluent coryza, worse in a warm room indicates Cyclamen. 

Sneezing and watery discharge in a warm room.

Mouth and Throat

Jerking in the teeth at night,  burning on the tip of the tongue indicates Cyclamen. 

Viscid mucus in the mouth. Burning, dryness and scraping in the throat.

Stomach and abdomen

Aversion to bread, butter, meat, fat, beer, and ordinary food is an indication of Cyclamen.

Vomiting after eating, in the morning. Fullness, as if he had eaten too much, nausea caused by eating and drinking.

Colicky pains in the abdomen, ameliorated by walking about is an indication of Cyclamen.

Stitching pains in the abdomen and liver, colic and urging after stool indicates Cyclamen.

Painful sensibility of the abdomen, on the slightest touch with headaches from disordered stomach.

Stool and Anus

Bleeding hemorrhoids, drawing, pressing pain about the anus.

Urinary complaints

Ineffectual urging to urinate. Urine profuse, watery with stitching in the urethra with desire to urinate. 

Shooting pains in the urethra is relieved with Cyclamen.

Male complaints

Prostatic troubles, with stitches and pressure, urging to stool and micturition indicates Cyclamen.

Female complaints

Menses too soon, or too late; irregular with severe abdominal pains. 

Suppressed menses from over-exertion, or being overheated. 

Cyclamen  is for excessive flow that is black and lumpy. Mammae swollen and very hard after menses.

Menses occur every two or four months, always with the pains, starting from sacrum, extending along both sides of abdomen to pelvis.


Tearing, drawing pains in the limbs, weakness in the limbs.

Red vesicles in the joints of the fingers, preceded by violent itching indicates Cyclamen.

Frequent and violent itching in the calves of the legs

Soreness of the heels when walking is relieved with Cyclamen.


Aversion to motion, yet motion ameliorates, Weakness in the evening, ameliorated by moving about.

Cyclamen is useful in emaciated skin, pale gums and lips .

Great inclination to lie down, and to sleep.

Cough ameliorated in the open air, even in a cold wind.

Chill not ameliorated by warm clothing. Drawing pains in flexors of the leg.

Side Effect


        Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.


    If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use.


Safety Advice

     There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 


    It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, Ayurveda etc. 



    Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.


    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician 


Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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