SBL Hypericum Perforatum LM

Nerve Injuries, Pain, Neuralgia, Headache, Depression, Relieves Anxiety

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MRP ₹ 165.00


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Product Information

Product Description


The nerves are the sphere of action for Hypericum.

Pains gradually extending towards the body from the injured part with stitching, darting pains, coming and going, or shooting up from the region of the injury towards the body is relieved with Hypericum.

Punctured, incised, contused and lacerated wounds, painful wounds very sensitive to touch.

Mind and Head

The weakness of memory with great nervous depression following wounds indicates Hypericum.

It removes the consequences of fright and effects of shock.

Sensation in the forehead as if touched by an icy cold hand.

Headache, extending into zygoma or cheek with sore eyes is resolved with Hypericum.

Eyes, ear, nose

Burning stinging pains in the eyes with sticking sensation.

Sensitiveness of hearing with sticking pains during menses is relieved with Hypericum.

Dryness of nose, with sneezing, Sore within nose.

Mouth and Throat

Tension in the cheek with Eruption around mouth and on right ear.

Dry, burning heat in mouth with Hot risings in esophagus after a fright indicates Hypericum.

Stomach and Abdomen

Desire for wine, pickles, pressure at the stomach on eating but little.

Eructation on drinking water, nausea and inclination to vomit is relieved with Hypericum.

Tympanitic distension of abdomen, relieved by a stool.

Stool and anus

Rectum feels dry, with constipation in the morning with Burning, biting, and feeling of dryness in rectum which is resolved with Hypericum.

Piles, with much pain, bleeding, and great soreness.

Urinary complaints

Desire to urinate, with violent tearing in the genital organs, with burning soreness and sensitiveness in both male and female.

Female complaints

Hypericum works in after-pains after instrumental delivery.

Respiratory organs

Frequent dry hacking cough, short, barking cough with  hoarseness, Scraping and roughness in larynx.

Pressure and burning in the chest, stitches from within outward, through left breast and sternum, worse from motion is relieved with Hypericum.

Back and Neck

Pains shooting up the spine and down the extremities, shooting pains over the body and often convulsive movements indicates Hypericum.

Stitching, shooting pains in the back in various directions; they shoot down the limbs.

Violent pains and inability to walk or stoop, after a fall on the coccyx is relieved with Hypericum.

Cervical vertebrae very sensitive to the touch.


Feeling of weakness and trembling of all the limbs with Numbness and crawling in the limbs, hands, and feet.

Tension in both arms and in the hands, Sensation as if the left foot was strained of dislocated.

Hypericum is indicated for Effects of running nail or pin into foot.

It is useful in sharp pain in knees, that could hardly resist the touch.


A wound that sometimes swell up, no tendency to heal, look dry and shiny on its edges needs this remedy.

Hard, dry, yellow crusts form on healing wound. Painful scars in tissues rich in nerves.


A painful cicatrix with pain shooting up toward the center of the body following up the nerve; hypericum is the medicine for that.

Injuries of the coccyx, soreness upon pressure indicates this medicine.

Mechanical injuries, wounds by nails or splinters in the feet, needles under the nails, squeezing, hammering, of the toes and fingers, especially the tips of the fingers, when the nerves have been lacerated, wounded, torn, with excruciating pains.

Side Effect

    Please consult your doctor before use.

Safety Advice



    Use As Directed By The Doctor.

Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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