SBL Ignatia Amara (30ml)

For sadness, trembling, Convulsion,Headache, Sciatica, stiff neck

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Product Information

Product Description

Tincture and trituration of the seeds is used for medicinal preparation.


Common Name: St. Ignatius Bean, Faba indica


Causes & Symptoms for SBL Ignatia Amara

Ignatia is especially suited to sensitive, delicate women and children.

Twitching or spasms, or convulsions from exciting or depressing emotions, fright indicates Ignatia.

especially if caused by fright or grief on the mental side, or teething or worms.

Anyone suffering from suppressed, deep grief, with long drawn sighs, much sobbing, Ignatia works well.

Ignatia has a good action over motor and sensory nerves, Twitching of muscles of face and lips.

Uncontrollable laughter alternating with outbursts of tears.

Hiccough worse by eating, or smoking, or emotional disturbances

Mind and Head


Ignatia is suitable to changeable, moody disposition, easily frightened, Anger, followed by quiet grief and sorrow.


The least contradiction excites rage and passion, with redness of face.


Painful sensation of expansion in the head, as if the cranium were going to burst, Head better lying on painful side.


Headaches are aggravated by coffee, smoking, the abuse of snuff, inhaling tobacco smoke, alcohol.


Headaches terminate with a profuse flow of urine.


Pressive headache, especially above the root of the nose, and often accompanied by inclination to vomit, worse or better by stooping


Eyes, ear, nose


Redness of the eyes, Convulsive movements of the eyes, and of the eyelids is relieved with Ignatia.


Swelling in the upper lid, with enlargement of the (bluish) veins, the eyelid is turned upward.


Swelling of the parotids, with shooting pain, Itching in the ears.


Nostrils excoriated and ulcerated, with swelling of the nose, stoppage of one nostril, dry coryza, with dull headache.


Mouth and throat


Pain and suffering in the throat, Convulsive starting and distortion of the muscles of the face


Sore throat; stitches when not swallowing; better, eating something solid. 


The longer the cough lasts the more the irritation to cough increases. 


Pains in the sub maxillary glands,  Ulceration of one of the corners of the mouth is relieved with Ignatia.


Inflammation, swelling, and induration of the tonsils, with small ulcers.


Stomach and abdomen


All gone, weak, empty sensation in stomach not better by eating.


Periodical attacks of cramp in the stomach, which disturb sleep at night, and are worse by pressure on the part affected.


Heaviness and pressure in the pit of the stomach is relieved with Ignatia.


Shooting sensation of burning and pressure, or swelling and hardness in the region of the spleen.


Periodical cramp-like pains in the abdomen is relieved with Ignatia.


Sensation of weakness and trembling in the abdomen.


Stool and Anus


Piles, prolapses, soreness and pain after stool, pains shooting up into abdomen.


Shooting pains up the rectum; constricting pain at anus worsened after stool, better whilst sitting is relieved with Ignatia.


Hard evacuations, with frequent ineffectual efforts.  Itching and tingling in the anus.


Urinary complaints


Urgent and irresistible want, with inability to urinate


Sensation of burning and smarting in the urethra, during micturition indicates Ignatia.


Itching in the fore part of the urethra


Male complaints


Contraction of the penis, it becomes quite small.


Strangling sensation, and aching in the testes, especially in the evening, after lying down is relieved with Ignatia.


Erections during every evacuation.


Female complaints


Cramp-like and compressive pains in the region of the uterus, with fits of suffocation, pressure and lying on the back, mitigate the pain


Uterine spasms, with lancinations, or like labor pain is relieved with Ignatia.


Extremities and neck


Lancinating, cutting, beating, bursting pains, in the sciatica aggravated in winter, better in summer.


The limb is swollen and thigh knotty, and she cannot get up or lie down without pain, generally left side indicates Ignatia.


Stiffness of the nape of the neck.


Weak back, with sciatica, Tearing in the arms, excited by cold air.


Stiffness of the knees and of the feet, Sensation of burning in the heels at night, on placing them near one another, 


when they come in contact they are cold to the touch.




Better by lying on painful side; hard pressure; profuse watery urination.


Twitching all over the body with Trembling of the limbs.


Attacks of cramps and of convulsions, sometimes with anxiety, fits of suffocation.


The symptoms chiefly manifest themselves just after a meal, also in the evening, after lying down, or in the morning, immediately after rising.


Side Effect

     Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.


    If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use.


Safety Advice


      There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 


    It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, Ayurveda etc. 




     Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.


    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician 


Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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