SBL Manganum Aceticum

Anaemia, swelling, eczema, fatty liver, growing pains, Jaundice

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Product Information

Product Description


Manganum Aceticum is helpful in sub-acute state of cellulitis. 

It promotes suppuration and hastens regeneration. Suppuration of skin is seen around joints.

Manganum Aceticum is also useful in rheumatism and arthritis of feet. 

There are muscular twitching and cramps in calves. 

There is also stiffness of muscles of legs. Every part of body feels sore to touch. The patient cannot walk backwards without falling and there is tendency to fall forward. The patient walks stooping forward. 

There is intolerable pain in skin of lower limbs with burning spots about joints which is relieved by Manganese Acetate.

Manganum Aceticum also helps in respiratory problems when there is chronic hoarseness. Larynx is dry, rough and constricted. 

Cough is worse in the evening and damp weather and better lying down. There is stitching in larynx which extends to ear.


Peevishness and taciturnity, with concentration in self.

Low-spirited and reflective.

Dullness of the senses.


Manganum Aceticum is indicated in Burning and aching pains in head, which disappear in open air.

Tensive, shooting, and drawing pain in head in open air, better in a room is relieved by it.

The headache which comes on in a room is better in the open air, and vice versa.


Manganum Aceticum relievesAching (pressing) in eyes when they are fatigued, or by candle-light in evening.

Burning heat and dryness of eyes is relieved by it.

It is used in Dim-sightedness with burning in eyes.


Manganum Aceticum is useful in Otalgia, Drawing pains in ears, commencing from other organs.

It is also indicated in complaints of Buzzing and rumbling in ears, Whistling tinnitus.


Dry coryza and obstruction of nose is relieved by Manganum Aceticum.

Coryza, with loss of smell, and secretion of thick mucus.

There is Redness, excoriation, and inflammation of nose during coryza.


Manganum Aceticum is useful in relieving Painful sensitiveness of teeth.

It relieves Violent pains in teeth, which pass rapidly to other parts.


Manganum Aceticum is useful in Sore throat, with incisive pain, and pain as from excoriation, when not swallowing.

Dull shootings on both sides of pharynx, and as far as ears, when swallowing is relieved by it.

Dryness and scraping in throat, with a sensation as if a leaf or film obstructed the larynx.


Manganum Aceticum relieves Pressive pain, as from excoriation, in abdomen and epigastrium.

Contraction, with sensation of heat from middle of abdomen to chest, with nausea.

Cuttings in umbilical region, when taking a deep inspiration indicates Manganum Aceticum.

Stool and Anus

Manganum Aceticum is used in complaints of Constipation,Difficult, dry, knotty evacuations.

It relieves Colic and incisive pains in rectum, during evacuation.

Urinary Organs

Frequent want to urinate.

Cutting in middle of urethra between acts of micturition indicate Manganum Aceticum.

There is Lancinations in urethra, when not urinating.

Incisive pains in region of bladder is relieved by it.

Male Sexual Organs

Sensation of weakness in genital organs, with burning and jerking drawing pains in spermatic cord, extending to glans penis.

Manganum Aceticum relieves Itching on top of glans.

It is useful in Itching in interior of scrotum, which cannot be removed by scratching and rubbing.

Female Sexual Organs

Menses too early, too frequent and too scanty.

Leucorrhea can be checked by it.

Manganum Aceticum is useful in Climacteric flushings.

Respiratory Organs

Obstinate hoarseness, especially in morning, and in open air, as from chronic inflammation of the larynx, better from smoking.

Sensation as if larynx were closed.

Manganum Aceticum is useful in Catarrh, with coryza and hoarseness.

Manganum Aceticum also used in Dry cough, excited by reading aloud, or speaking long, with troublesome dryness, roughness (and constriction) in larynx.

Neck and Back

Red swollen streak on left side of neck indicates Manganum Aceticum.

It releives Tearing pains along entire spine, during rest and movement.

Pain in small of back on bending backwards is relieved.

Upper Limbs

Manganum Aceticum is indicated in Drawing and tearing, beginning at shoulder and extending to arms, hands, and fingers.

Pain as from a sprain in shoulder-joint is relieved.

It relieves Tensive pain in joints of arms and hands.

Lower Limbs

Manganum Aceticum releives Tearing pain round knee.

It is also useful in Burning in sole of foot.


Manganum Aceticum releives Burning all over skin, in evening, and when rising from bed.

The skin does not heal easily, every injury tends to ulceration.

Side Effect

    Please consult your doctor before use.

Safety Advice

    no side effects are known yet


    Take 5 drops in half a cup of water three times a day.


    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.


Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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