SBL Natrum Muriaticum (10ml)

Headache, cracked skin, hairfall, weakness, after delivery complaint

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Product Information

Product Description

The main source of sodium chloride is the sea
Common Name:  Sodium chloride, Nacl, Common Salt
Causes & Symptoms for SBL Natrum Muriaticum

It corresponds to complaints that are slow, that are long action.

For oily hair and a greasy skin with blackheads and acne, Natrum Muriaticum works good.

Emaciation, weakness, nervous prostration, nervous irritability is the characteristic of Natrum Muriaticum

The Natrum Mur patient is extremely emotional and has increased thirst, and often an excessive hunger, which is satisfied after only a few mouthfuls.

Voracious appetite, keeps on eating much, but all the time emaciating, there is wasting of the upper parts of the body.

The characteristic discharge from the mucous membranes is watery or thick whitish, like the white of an egg in Natrum Muriaticum.

Hammering pains in the head on waking in the morning, for periodical headaches Natrum Muriaticum is the best remedy. 

Aching along the spine, Coughing aggravates the pain and is relieved by lying on something hard, or pressing the back up against something hard indicates Natrum Mur.

Jerking of the muscles, trembling of the limbs, inability to keep the limbs still is effectively recovered with help of Natrum Muriaticum

Natrum Muriaticum is useful in the complaints of women, in troublesome menstruation.

Mind and Head

Natrum Mur patients prefers to be alone, they have a difficulty in thinking, absence of mind, weakness of memory and excessive forgetfulness, Brain-fag with sleeplessness, 

Abundant falling off of hair was overcomed with help of Natrum Mur.

Throbbing headache  with little hammers, pain as if the head would burst indicates Natrum muriaticum

For headaches of schoolgirls from sunrise to sunset is a characteristic of Natrum Mur.

Headache comes on in the morning on first waking up and lasts throughout the day, better by sweating.

Eczema on hair margins, especially at back of head.

Vertigo,with tendency to fall forwards, especially on walking and getting out of bed, on rising from bed and on waking, on stooping is an indication of Natrum Muriaticum.

Eyes, ear and Nose

Frequent lachrymation, cloudiness of sight when stopping, walking, reading is releived with Natrum Muriaticum

Swelling and heat of ears with Itching behind the ears marks Natrum Mur as the remedy of service.

Excessively fluent coryza, with much sneezing, sore nose, especially the left wing, loss of smell and taste, are indications of Natrum Mur.

Mouth, Throat and cough

In aphthous and ulcerative conditions of the mouth Natrum Muriaticum is a leading remedy.

It restores the dry, chapped, cracked lips, or excoriated and ulcerated skin on the corners of mouth.

Frequent swelling of submaxillary glands, cervical glands is improved with help of Natrum Mur.

Numbness and stiffness of one side of tongue, heavy, embarrassing speech, Natrum Mur is indicated in children who are late in talking.

Extreme dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, is recovered with help of Natrum Muriaticum.

Sensation of constriction and stitches in throat is effectively recovered with Natrum Mur.

Short, chronic cough, with expectoration of mucus and swelling in chest and Shortness of breath is relieved.

Expectoration of mucus, on hawking, especially in morning points to Natrum Muriaticum.

Stomach and abdomen

Natrum Muriaticum is a Valuable remedy for empty risings, nausea, fullness after a meal, with contractive cramps in stomach, sometimes, with nausea and vomiting.

Swelling in abdomen, Burning in intestines with distended stomach better by tight clothing is checked with Natrum Mur.

Urinary complaints

After micturition spasmodic contraction in abdomen, burning, drawing, and cutting in indicates Natrum Muriaticum.

It is useful in renal complaints with albumen and casts in the urine.

Natrum Muriaticum is beneficial in children who cannot pass urine in the presence of others or in the public place.

Rectum and stool

Burning in anus and rectum, during and after stools.

Natrum Muriaticum is useful in resolving the contraction of the rectum during stool, that results in hard feces at first evacuated with the greatest exertion, 

tearing in anus, bleeding and soreness is relieved.

Retention of stool, and a feeling after stool as if there were more to pass indicates Natrum Mur.

Female complaints

She craves salt and has an aversion to bread, wine and fat things.

Natrum Mur is a remedy of service in females who menstruate only once in two or three months, indicates often in girls who have a 

delay in the first appearance of the menses.

Dryness of vagina, with painful coitus, aversion to coitus, Breasts sensitive to slightest touch is relieved with Natrum Mur.

With the menses there is generally headache, both before, during, or after in females who need Natrum Muriaticum


Warts on palms of hands, Corns, Painful scars is recovered with Natrum Mur.

Skin of hands dry and cracked, especially round the nails.

Eruptions, raw surface, acrid, watery discharge, especially at scalp margin, acne, urticaria after violent exercise is relieved with Natrum Muiaticum.


Swelling of the face and extremities with dry eyes and mouth is an indication for Natrum Muriaticum.

Restlessness and jerking in limbs, seen in patients with anxiety and awkwardness.

The skin is greasy from excess of sebaceous secretion in the suffered point to this remedy.

In the patient with history of cauterization and its effects, Natrum Mur works good.

Hemorrhages and skin disorder with ulceration, cracking is seen in the complaints.

Complaint that Worsen In summer often indicates Natrum Mur.

Side Effect

    Please consult your doctor before use.


Safety Advice



    Take 5 drops in half a cup of water three times a day.


    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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