For convulsions, muscle weakness, tremors, breathlessness, Stiffness
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Convulsions and twitchings muscular prostration. Violent trembling all over the body.
Fluttering tremors,dread of cold water is grand keynote.
Involuntary muscles are excited to active movements, Stiff all over as after taking cold.
Weakness felt on change of weather, and on cold, bracing days indicates Physostigma.
Mind and Head
Exhaustion, cannot remember anything. Difficult thinking, cannot concentrate the mind.
Confusion and dizziness, dull, heavy, oppressive headache, intolerable pain over both eyes.
Constriction as from a bandage or tight cap pressed down indicates Physostigma
Eyes, ear, nose
Intense burning pain and effusion into the eyeball. Sharp stitches in right eyeball, better by motion in open air.
Sharp pain in supraorbital region, sharp, shooting pains, and drawing, twisting sensation in eyes.
Lids heavy, cannot bear to raise them, congestion of the eyes, with tonic spasms, rigidity
Sharp, shooting pains in the ears. Hissing, buzzing, ringing in the ears.
Twitchings in nose and involuntary expansion of nostrils indicates Physostigma
Mouth and Throat
Numbness of lips, numbness and tingling of tongue and lips.
Profuse salivation, thick, leathery saliva. Constriction of throat
Tonsils enlarged, swollen, elongated uvula indicates Physostigma
Stomach and abdomen
Sensations of contraction and tension. Weak feeling in stomach.
Burning in stomach with hot eructations, prickling, sharp pains, darting pains
Severe pain in umbilical region, shooting pains, colicky pains, dull pain in groins.
Stool and Anus
Stool irregular and loose, evacuation painful, rectum protruding, swollen and very sensitive.
anus sore and inclined to protrude, piles indicates Physostigma
Urinary complaints
Frequent desire to urinate, often ineffectual. Sore feeling in region of kidneys.
Male complaints
Frequent erections with but slight desire. Strong-smelling sweat about genitals.
Female complaints
White discharge worse by exercising during the day. Pain as if menses were coming on, Menses irregular.
Neck and Back
Stiffness in neck. Backache in renal region, restless all night, no better in all positions
Pain in back between hips, with numbness of womb indicates Physostigma.
Stiffness or bruised feeling in the joints. Shooting pains down limbs
Neuralgic pains in the limbs. Hands feel cold, then hot and red.
Stiffness in hip and knee indicates Physostigma
Loss of muscular power, prostration, feeble, slow pulse, cold, perspiring skin, cold extremities
The association of muscular prostration in any form, of which labored respiration is one with any affection is a keynote of Physo.
Worse walking, stepping, jar of misstep. Worse from bathing, from change in weather
Please consult your doctor before use.
Take up to 10 drops in half a cup of water three times a day.
You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day but use as prescribed by the physician.
SBL Pvt Ltd
SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA
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