SBL Rhododendron Chrysanthum (30ml)

Pains in heel, Joints, testicular, tinnitus, heat of hands, corns

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Product Information

Product Description

The tincture is prepared from the fresh leaves.


Common Name: Rhododendron ferrugineum, Siberian Rhododendron, Alpine rose, Yellow Snow-rose, Rhododendron.


Causes & Symptoms for Rhododendron chrysanthum

Rhododendron is used to remove the weariness and pains from the limbs after fatiguing, exhaustive activity of the limbs.

The action of Rhododendron is eminently upon the fibrous and serous tissues, chiefly the forearm and hand and the leg and foot in the bone or periosteum.

Gouty pains well during the summer, but suffered intensely during winter.

Pain as from contusion or blows in the occiput, Pains go from within outward.

Sleeplessness after midnight. Frequent remission of sufferings, and appearance of them generally in morning.

Mind and Head


Rhododendron is useful in confusion of the head in the early morning, great indifference, with aversion to all occupation.


The pressing pain in the forehead and temporal region, extending into the bones is resolved with Rhododendron.


Itching of the scalp in the evening.


Eyes, ear, nose


The dry burning of the eyes, darting pains through eyes from head, worse before a storm. Swollen lids which become easily red indicates Rhododendron.


Continued buzzing in ears, feeling as if water rushing into them. Continued dull humming in ear.


Obstruction of the nose, especially back in the left side of the nose, sometimes alternating with sides indicates Rhododendron.


Mouth and Throat


Vesicles on the lips with pains as from excoriation when eating.


Smarting vesicles under tongue, constriction and burning sensation in throat is relieved with Rhododendron.


Swelling and pain as from excoriation between lower gums and cheek indicates Rhododendron.


Toothache with drawing tearing in molars, in cold, damp weather indicates Rhododendron.


Stomach and abdomen


Pressive shooting pains in the pit of stomach and hypochondria.


Vomiting of green, bitter substances indicates Rhododendron.  Vomiting after anything fluid, especially cold water.


Heaviness in stomach at night, or after drinking cold water indicates Rhododendron.


Distension of abdomen with fullness causing difficulty in breathing is characteristic of this remedy.


Shootings in spleen on walking quickly.


Stool and Anus


Difficult evacuation, even of soft faeces is resolved with Rhododendron. 


Pains in rectum extend to genitals, and the male generative organs experience the most intense action.


Shooting pain in rectum extending to just below ribs with crawling in anus as from ascarides.


Urinary complaints


Twitching and stitches at urethral orifice while passing the urine is resolved with Rhododendron.


Male complaints


Induration and swelling of the testicle,  soreness between the genitals and the thighs; swollen and hard testes indicates 


Chronic enlargements, indurations of the testes, hydrocele.


The pains are worse by touch, worse sitting, indicates Rhododendron.


Female complaints


Ovarian pain with Right sided cysts are resolved with Rhododendron 


Menses are too early and too profuse.


Neck and Back


Stiffness of cervical region, pain in sacrum, becoming intolerable on stooping.


Rhododendron is useful in  stiff-neck, gums and teeth sore, pains fly about everywhere.




Acute inflammatory swelling of joints, wandering from one joint to another, severe at night, during rough stormy weather, pain in the heels.


The drawing, tearing pains in all the limbs, worse at rest and in wet, cold windy weather indicates Rhododendron.


Gout with fibrous deposit in great toe joint indicates Rhododendron.


Formication, tingling and itching in isolated spots on the limbs.


Corns on feet with shooting pain.




Itching, burning, and creeping pains are marked in Rhododendron




Better from wrapping the head warmly, increased heat in hands, even in cold weather indicates Rhododendron.


Restlessness, tingling, weakness stiffness in some of the limbs.


Pulling and tearing in forearms and hands as if in periosteum.


Sufferings excited or worse by cold, damp weather, or by the approach of a storm, as also during repose indicates Rhododendron.

Side Effect


        Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.


    If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use.


Safety Advice

     There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 


    It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, Ayurveda etc. 







        Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.


    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician 




Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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