SBL Senecio Aureus LM

Regulate irregular menses in young girls, Renal pain, pain during urine

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Product Information

Product Description


A medicine that helps to regulate the menses in young girls.

Senecio aureus is indicated for epistaxis or nasal catarrh that takes place instead of menses.

Menses may be profuse and early, or they may be retarded or absent.

Pains are radiating, shifting, lancinating for the indication of Senecio aureus.

Mind and Head

Senecio aureus is used for irritable, worried, nervous people, worse sitting still, must move about.

Inability to fix mind on one subject for any length of time indicates Senecio aureus.

Sharp lancinating pains in left temple, upper part of left eye and inside of left lower jaw.

Sharp shooting pains from within outward in forehead, sharp shooting pains over and in eyes, catarrh, suppressed secretion.

Eyes, Nose

Eyes and lids burn. Sharp pains from within outward, left eye, dark rings round eyes is relieved with Senecio aureus.

Coryza with nose-bleed. Nasal bleeding during menses.

Mouth and Throat

Lancinating pain in the right side of face, right shoulder, left breast.

Teeth tender and sensitive, mouth and fauces dry and hot is resolved with Senecio aureus.

Throat and nose feel very dry.

Stomach and abdomen

Colic is better bending forward, and better by stool.

Nausea from renal derangement, abdomen much enlarged and very tense is relieved with Senecio aureus.

Stool and Anus

Stool copious with great debility and prostration in hard lumps mixed with yellow mucus.

Urinary complaints

Dysuria of women and children with mucous sediment in the urine is an indication of Senecio aureus.

Renal colic, the pains being so great that they produce nausea.

Irritation of bladder in children, preceded by heat in head and headache. Increased urinary secretion.

Intense pain over right kidney, severe pain during urination, urine red, hot, acrid, bowels constipated.

Male complaints

Dull heavy pain in left spermatic cord, moving along cord to testicle indicates Senecio aureus.

Prostatic gland enlarged, feels hard and swelled to touch is resolved with Senecio aureus.

Female complaints

Painful menstruation, profuse flow of mucus from vagina, symptoms as if menses would appear, but they fail.

Menses every three weeks, profuse, lasting eight or nine days, accompanied by much cutting pain in sacrum, hypogastrium, and groins.

When the menstrual flow is suppressed sometimes many months, Senecio aureus is a most useful medicine for establishing the menstrual flow. 

Neck and Back

Sharp, lancinating pains in lumbar region. Cutting pains in region of sacrum, with too early or too profuse menses.

Wandering pains in back and shoulders, pain in joints relieved with Senecio aureus.


Sharp, sticking pain in left shoulder. Constant desire to keep feet in motion.


Skin dry, nails brittle.


In chronic coughs, catarrhal affections, Wants to lie down,  stitches in different parts of body.

Palliated cough and bloody sputa in a woman far gone with consumption, and brought back menses, which were absent four months.

Side Effect

    Please consult your doctor before use.

Safety Advice




    Use As Directed By The Doctor.

Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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