SBL Solanum Nigrum 1X (Q)

For High body temperature, Headache, Stammering, Varicosis, Vertigo, Ulcers

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Product Information

Product Description


Solanum Nigrum helps in furious delirium and nightmares. 

There is terrible headache and complete cessation of mental faculties with night terrors and is relieved by it. 

It is useful for congestive type of headache. 

Solanum Nigrum also helps in stiffness of whole body. 

There is restlessness and formication with contraction of extremities.


Delirium: with stammering speech, efforts to get out of bed, with piercing cries and convulsions.

Complete cessation of mental faculties.


Solanum Nigrum helps in complaint of Vertigo: on rising and moving about, with dizziness before eyes, with nausea and colic, on stooping, on rising in morning, better in open air.

Solanum Nigrum is useful in Headache: dull, heavy throbbing, followed by dilatation of pupils.

Headache worse in close room.     

It relieves Severe pain through temples as if head would split.

Eruption on forehead of small red pimples, sore to touch and very hard, when one went another came indicate Solanum Nigrum.

Scalp sore on moving hand through hair.

Scalp sore as if hair had been severely pulled.


Eyes: red, full and tense, dull and heavy, burning, very sensitive to light, sensation as if sand in them.

Solanum Nigrum relieves Pain: over left eye, severe in supraorbital region on waking in morning, worse motion and stooping, heavy, bruised sensation.


Throat sore as if burnt.

It relieves raw sensation in throat, painful on swallowing, solids or liquids.

Tickling in throat causing cough.


Solanum Nigrum is indicated in Nausea and efforts to vomit, followed by profuse vomiting, at first of mucus, afterwards of bluish or greyish-black fluid.

Vomit: ingesta, blackish-green liquid, thick.

There is Severe pain in region of stomach, extending into heart region and left shoulder (5 PM).

Solanum Nigrum relieves Cramps, cutting, burning in pit of stomach.


Solanum Nigrum relieves Violent cutting in umbilical region.

Abdomen excessively distended and tense.

It helps in complaint of Colic, and ineffectual urging.

Stool and Anus

Solanum Nigrum relieves Tenesmus in anus.

Stools: natural but more frequent, semi-fluid, yellow, watery.

Stools followed by burning pain in stomach, extending up, with nausea.

It is useful in Constipation, small, dry, hard stools.

Respiratory Organs

Respiration: rapid, difficult, quick but easy, stertorous.

Neck and Back

Neck sore, stiff, as if bruised, worse moving head.

It relieves Severe pains in muscles of neck.

It is also useful in Great pains in back of neck and shoulders, and in lower limbs.

Pains in back of neck and between shoulders.

It is used in Bruised feeling in back and limbs.


Restlessness in limbs, Wandering pains, first in shoulders, then down arm, then in lower limbs is relieved by Solanum Nigrum.

It is useful in Severe pains in all the limbs, Painful drawing in arms and feet.


Solanum Nigrum is used in Red blotches like scarlatina, irregularly dispersed over whole surface.

It is useful in Great swelling and intolerable itching of face, eyelids, lips, hands, and feet.

Solanum Nigrum is useful for Vesicles on back of hands, sloughing on fingers, blisters discharge acrid fluid over arms.

Swelling of feet, arms, abdomen, scrotum, and penis can be checked by it.

Side Effect

    Please consult your doctor before use.

Safety Advice



    Take up to 10 drops in half a cup of water three times a day.

    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day but use as prescribed by the physician.

Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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