SBL Stramonium (30ml)

Mania, Hurriedness, Trembling of feet, painlessness, Tingling in limbs

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Product Information

Product Description

Common Name: Datura Stramonium/Thorn apple


Causes & Symptoms for SBL Stramonium(Dilution)

Violence associated with all the complaints, it is key feature of patients that need stramoniuma as a treatment for their complaints.

Symptoms that arise after sudden fright, shock, sun, overstudy.

Restlessness with absence of pain is a characterestic of Stramonium.

Limbs that lose power and feel weakness, locomotion difficulties with movements restricted due to muscular restrictions.

Twitching of muscles of legs, restlessness, with violent laughter, screams and abuses the other person.



Active mind, patient talks continously without any relation to the subject.


Alternate crying and laughing along with serious behaviour that comes up with dullness and forgets the relations, calls things by wrong names.

Prayers, devotions, sense of happiness and joy,excitement and keeps talking with fixed ideas.  

Cannot stay alone, always wants someone to be with, desires compnay, clinging to the person 

Frightful with fear of rats, mice,cats, dogs moving is relieved with help of stramonium.

Habit of picking clothes, screams day and night with a type of mania. 

Always in a hurry, anxiety after hearing running water, cannot tolerate bright light.



Violent headache with convulsions after walking in sun, from heat of sun. Throbbing pains

Head feels empty with increased sensitivity to tuch and every movement.

Vertigo with a tendancy to fall towards the left or back.

Unusual Perspiration of head with left sided numbness of head.

Eyes, Nose and Throat




Inflammation of eyes, redness of eyes, black spots before eyes.

Involuntary lachrymation, letters appear oblique while reading, vision is affected.



Obstruction of nose with catarrh of nasal passages.

Dryness of nose though she is not able to breathe. Sneezing continuously.



Dryness of mouth, throat with no desire to have any soft drink.

Difficulty in swallowing,Stinging pain in the throat, due to dryness is well treated with stramonium.

Stammering, difficulty while talking and loss of confidence.

Stomach and Abdomen:


Nausea vomiting with sour risings with pain in stomach and burning within stomach.

Violent pains in abdomen with flatulence. 

Distension of abdomen, with pains during movement.

Expulsion of flatus with borborygmi sounds in the abdomen.

Urine & Stool & Anus:


Unsuccessful urging to pass stool, with offensive smell is well treated with 

Constipation with pain while passing, at times passage of coagulated blood.

Sudden and burning urination, drop by drop with frequent want to urinate.

Extremities (Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs): 


Trembling of hands with numbness and cramps in hands, with clenched fists.

Bending of legs when walking, stiffness with tingling in limbs. 

Painlessness with hurried movements, increased sensitivity of all body parts aggravated by touch is relieved with the help of this medicine.

Drawing pain in the thighs with trembling of feet. Cramps in feet. Violent pains on the back over the coccyxygeal region.

Side Effect

     Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.


    If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use.


Safety Advice


      There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 


    It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, Ayurveda etc. 




     Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.


    You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician 




Brand Information

Manufactured By

SBL Pvt Ltd

SBL, House 2 ,Commercial Complex, Shrestah Vihar,Delhi 10092,INDIA

Country of origin: India

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